My Chart

Help us improve your experience. Presbyterian makes every effort to make sure the information in this directory is correct. If you come across incorrect or old information, please let us know by clicking the Report Inaccuracies link on the provider’s profile. You can also send an email to


Presbyterian’s online directory contains searchable information obtained from multiple sources about its contracted providers and facilities. Provider and facility information is updated within 30 calendar days of receiving new information from the provider, provider’s office, facility or hospital.

Presbyterian updates the online provider directory more frequently than the printed directory. Online provider directory information is refreshed each business day. However, some changes may not be refreshed until the next business day. Depending on your search criteria, you may see the same facility listed more than once. This means that the facility has more than one location or offers different services at different locations.

A facility is any location where health care is provided. A facility will have at least one type or specialty. Facilities range from small clinics to urgent care centers and hospitals with emergency rooms and trauma centers. Other types of health care facilities can be nursing homes, hospice centers, and pharmacies.

Insurance plans listed in this directory are only those of Presbyterian Health Plan, Inc. and Presbyterian Insurance Company, Inc. (Presbyterian). Providers and facilities listed in this directory may accept other insurance plans. Contact the facility to ask about other insurance plans. For Dental or Vision services, please contact that insurance plan.

Not every hospital or facility joins the Presbyterian network or accepts all Presbyterian insurance plans. Please check with Presbyterian Customer Service by calling the number on the back of your member identification card to find out if a location is in our network.

There may be practices within the facility that may not accept new patients, and not all services at a facility may be a covered benefit. For all services, refer to your plan documents to confirm your benefits, exclusions, and limits. Contact the facility before seeking services to confirm eligibility and coverage for the services you are seeking and that they participate in your plan.

Location/Facility Filter Descriptions

Facility Name: If you know the name of the facility, enter the facility’s name in the search bar. This is the name of the location or facility where services are offered. We check with the location to make sure the information is correct when a facility joins Presbyterian’s network and at least once every 3 years.

My Location: You can limit your search results by entering a ZIP Code or address. You can also choose Use Your Current Location to use your device’s location. You can expand your search by choosing different distance options.

Facility Type: Enter a facility type in the search bar. You can select a facility type from the list of Common Searches or select View All to browse a list of available facility types.

Facility Service: Enter a facility service in the search bar. You can select a facility service from the list of Common Searches or select View All to browse a list of available facility services. Some facilities provide more information about the services they offer, but not all facilities give us this information. If the search results are not what you are expecting, clear this filter.

Insurance: Enter a Presbyterian insurance plan name or select from the listed Presbyterian Health Plans. Not all providers or facilities accept all insurance plans. Contact the facility to find out if other insurance plans are accepted. For Dental or Vision services, please contact that insurance plan.

Downloading Search Results

Select at least one filter and the download icon will appear on the right side of your search results.

Downloading your search results will first create a PDF document that includes all providers that meet your search criteria. It may take a few moments for the PDF to be created. Each web browser will display the wait differently.

To view a PDF document on your computer, laptop, or mobile device, you will need a PDF reader installed on your device. Available software options are Adobe Acrobat Reader or Foxit PDF Reader.

If you need assistance, call the number on the back of your member card or 1-866-388-7737.

If you need help with obtaining a printed copy of the provider directory, please call 505-923-5200 or toll-free at 1-888-977-2333. TTY users may call 711.

Mobile Device Users
Downloading directories to your smartphone device could cost you money depending on your cellular data plan. Downloads are best done on a desktop computer or laptop or over wi-fi.

Desktop Computer or Laptop Users
Depending on the browser used, you may see a ‘file downloaded’ notification. Save the PDF from the tool bar at the top of the document. 

Facility Detail Page Descriptions

All information listed here is given to PHP and kept up to date by the facility. PHP makes sure the information is correct when a facility joins the network and checks it regularly. Changes can happen to this information at any time.

Facility Name, Address, Phone, and Hours: This is the information the facility has provided to Presbyterian. We check with the facility to make sure the information is correct.

Facility Type(s): A facility will have at least one type (Hospital, Urgent Care, Pharmacy, etc.). Not all facility types accept all Presbyterian insurance plans. There may be practices within the facility types that may not accept new patients, and not all services at a Facility may be a covered benefit. Call the location to verify coverage before seeking services.

Website: A link will display if a provider, medical group, or facility has provided a website to Presbyterian. Clicking the link will open a new window and automatically load the website. Any information presented on this external website is not owned by Presbyterian and is offered by an independent third party and belongs to them. The site may require you to agree to their terms of use and privacy policy.

Services: Facilities can offer a variety of services. A facility service describes the type of services provided by the facility. Contact the facility to confirm they participate in your health plan and the services you need are covered.

ADA Compliant: Provider’s offices and facilities that are considered compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) offer special accommodations, such as offices, exam room(s) and equipment, to people with physical disabilities.

Hospital Accreditation: This is required for Hospitals only. Non-hospitals will have no results. Hospitals are reviewed and rated by groups like The Joint Commission. Accreditation indicates the standards of the reviewer were met. The status of the hospital may be accredited, in process, or not accredited. There may be others. For the Joint Commission accreditations, see

Quality Compare: Learn more about Hospital Quality Rankings. To find the most recent information about Presbyterian and other hospitals, review ratings from these organizations.

Accepted Insurance: All Presbyterian insurance plans a participating provider is contracted with are shown. If a provider is only accepting new patients for certain networks, they are shown under PHP Plans Accepting New and Current Patients. Not all providers or facilities accept all insurance plans.